Saturday, August 6, 2022

She took everything

With the sun shining against his back, Ron couldn’t stop smiling at Rachel. She’d been so supportive in tracking down his body thief, so he felt a little bad when he told her that he was finally over this. “But he took everything from you,” Rachel insisted. “I feel like we’ve come so close too! That bitch is literally half a city away!”

Ron shook his head. “She took my body, but I didn’t have much of anything else. Just like her. Now, while she has fun in my unemployed and uneducated body, I feel like another side’s opened up for me. Hanging out with you like this actually makes me feel alive.”

Rachel sighed, but that didn’t change Ron’s mind. After he spent the last of his money to sleep with an escort named Beatrice, he woke up the next morning in her body. He discovered stitches along the side of his head hidden in Beatrice’s brown hair. To his horror, he realized that his brain had been transplanted into another person. He immediately went to his neighbor Rachel’s house and convinced her who he really was. That was when their two month journey across Europe began.

But he learned so many things along the way. He discovered a love for fashion and a deep respect for comfortable, cute shoes. Rachel helped him adjust whenever he went through periods and cramps. She knew exactly what he’d be up against, and she made life so much easier. And now their search was unfortunately going to end in Finland. Deep down, Ron prayed that their friendship would continue. “Are you sure about all of this?” Rachel asked worriedly.

Ron nodded. “I don’t know about being called Beatrice, but I’m happy with all of this. I just have to keep adjusting but I’m sure this is going to be a lot better than my old body.”

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see that he's adjusted and is moving on, at least he has a healthy body.
