Wednesday, May 11, 2022

My Slut Granddaughter - Part 1


Part 2

Kara smirked as she looked across the pool. There was a group of three guys casting looks at her. She loved the attention she was getting with this body. Before her doctor transplanted her brain into this one, she only made one request. She wanted to have the body of her beloved granddaughter.

The girl had been an overly slutty woman. As the heiress to her entire wealth, Kara didn’t think that Emily was worthy of taking away everything she worked for. So, after Kara invited her entire family to her summer mansion, her doctor was more than happy to sedate Emily for the transfer. Now, Kara had her body. She left her old body and had her doctor fabricate a cause of death (to be released in several days). For now, Kara decided that she’d be waiting and exploring her new body. But the more she explored, the more she understood her granddaughter. Emily loved flaunting herself as much as she did because of her physical body. She couldn’t help it. The attention and horniness of her young body made it difficult to keep herself under control.

And when the three men started walking over to talk to her, Kara decided that she deserved a little fun. After all, she had spent over 80 years building up her family’s status. She was doing what Emily would’ve done.

The only difference was that it would be Kara in her place.

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