Tuesday, October 17, 2023

A better partner

When Chester and Leanne started going to counseling together, he thought their relationship was going to fall apart. They had dated for nearly ten years before she said yes to his proposal, but issues in their relationship started to show up. She seemed angrier and lashed out at him for no reason. The anger and frustration eventually made him angrier.

Sadly, their first few therapists made things even worse. But, when Leanne was given a recommendation for a one-on-one therapist on the edge of town, Chester had a funny feeling that things were going to change. He looked at Dr. Viktor's Google reviews and discovered that he had a very high count of positive reviews. There were zero negative reviews over the past ten years, so he simply waited and prayed that things would get better.

But he wasn't expecting his girlfriend to seem so happy after the first therapy session. After two to three more sessions with Dr. Viktor, he was pleased to notice that she was happier and calmer. The two could go on walks without having an argument, and the tension was practically nonexistent. He felt like she was being listened to and understood, and that was all she really needed. He used his own calming techniques from the other therapists to improve his own mental health, like breathing and meditating, and the two ended up becoming closer than ever.

After their first therapy sessions together, Chester never believed in therapy before. But now, he wished he made Leanne see Dr. Viktor sooner. It turned their relationship around completely, and he was confident that they were going to make it through the marriage ceremony together. Unfortunately, there was a darker secret hidden beneath Leanne's gorgeous, happy eyes that Chester would never discover.

Dr. Viktor was a renowned therapist, but his methods in curing relationship problems were completely unorthodox and borderline unethical. Rather than help talk a person through their personal issues, he thought of a more effective method. By using a stolen body swap body in his basement, he extracted the minds of his patients and implanted new souls into their bodies. The real Leanne was floating around a server in the basement, while a 42-year-old trans escort named "Jackie" had decided to take her place.

Jackie had a life of regret. After selling her body for years on the streets and becoming addicted to drugs, she never found a way to fully recover. She needed a way out. And when Dr. Viktor offered her the opportunity of a lifetime, she eagerly jumped on it. All she had to do was siphon bits and pieces of Chester's savings over the course of her marriage with him. It would serve as payment to the doctor. 

The fact that Jackie could have such a naturally beautiful body to herself made the deal even sweeter, especially since she happened to be much nicer than the original Leanne. She could see the victim's memories, and she easily saw her problem. Leanne was a psychopath who loved taking advantage of people. Whenever she didn't get her way, she would erupt in pure anger. Now that Jackie had her body, she loved the way her new body felt, and she enjoyed the growing love she felt for her new soon-to-be husband. The places they explored and the intimacy they shared were things Jackie could have never experienced in her old body. And the best part about it all was that Chester clearly preferred the newly improved Leanne. The old version of Leanne was way too bitchy, and she never deserved her body.

Jackie was a much better Leanne, and everybody in her life would inevitably notice and agree.


  1. WOW! what a story. very well written

  2. Cool story. This one felt like a bit of justice was given to Leanne.
