Tuesday, October 4, 2022

When will we switch back

Thompson was getting a little annoyed by his girlfriend. After agreeing to use their local swap clinic to switch bodies so he could give birth to their child, he was expecting to be back in his old body after Klara was born. But Mel had somehow extended the contract at the clinic with the help of a friend, and Thompson was horrified to learn that he was going to be his wife for a minimum of two years.

While Mel went out and partied in his body, Thompson stayed at home taking care of their new daughter. He cleaned the house, prepared meals, and welcomed his wife with open arms whenever she came back from work. Since she had the same accounting job as Thompson did, she easily blended in with her coworkers.

Thompson hated being at home, but as the months went by, he learned to accept his housewife role. Mel was more than happy to provide for him and their daughter while he took care of the house. He learned how to live in her shoes and ended up getting pregnant again with their second child two months before the end of their body swap contract.

But when Mel got ready to take him to the body swap clinic, he shook his head. “Let’s do another two years, babe. I’m actually okay with all of this.”

“Really?” She asked in disbelief. But when she saw the fire in his eye and his frantic nodding, she accepted an extension too.

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